
In 2022, The Leon Band was recognized by The National Band Association as a Blue Ribbon of Excellence Southeastern Regional Winner and National Finalist.
The Marching Redcoats are noted for having 72 consecutive years of Straight Superior Ratings at Marching MPA.
In 2014, they marching in the London New Year’s Day Parade and performed in Cadogan Hall, home of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
The Leon High School Symphonic Band is well known around the district and state for having outstanding musical performances, earning the illustrious Otto J. Kraushaar Award annually for more than a decade. This award is presented on behalf of the Florida Bandmasters Association to ensembles that earn straight superior ratings at marching, concert, and state concertassessments. In addition, the ensemble has earned the Andrew J. Crew Award for earning superiors at state concert band assessments for five consecutive years. This prestigious award has been achieved by only 10 ensembles in Florida. Additionally, the Symphonic Band has achieved numerous state and national achievements, such as:
2000 Sudler Flag of Honor:
This international award is given by the John Philip Sousa Foundation. The Sudler Flag of Honor is an award bestowed to identify, recognize and honor high school band programs internationally that have demonstrated particularly significant high standards of excellence in concert activities over a period of several years.
National Recognition and Performances:
The Leon High School Band has been invited to perform for these prestigious international events and conventions:
National Band and Orchestra Festival — Carnegie Hall, New York
College Band Directors’ National Association / National Band Association
Southeastern United States Honor Band and Clinic — Troy, Alabama
Mid-East Instrumental Conference — Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
New York State Band Directors Association Annual Symposium
Festival of Winds at the University of South Florida
Florida Music Educators Association
All-South Music Institute — Mississippi
Atlanta International Band and Orchestra Conference
Midwest International Band and Orchestra Clinic — This is the largest convention of band and orchestra directors in the world. A performance of this nature is one of the most prestigious honors that a band can receive. The Leon High School Band has performed at Midwest twice: the symphonic band in 1997 and chamber ensembles in 1998.