Lion Steel Dates 2024-25

Feb 14 2025 (Fri) – Valentine’s Lime @ LHS CAFE (Canboulay, Bacchanal, Jouvert perform) – everyone else invited to attend! Free show

Mar 3 2025 (Mon) 7p – Q3 CONCERT @ LHS AUD.  

Apr 12 2025 (Sat) FMEA Steel Band Festival, times tbd @ Blankner K-8 School in Orlando, FL (Jouvert Only – and any solo/ensemble performers); Sign up and Permission Form tba here

Apr 17 2025 (Thur) 6p – CASCADES SHOW @ Adderley Amphitheater (Canboulay, Bacchanal, Jouvert only)

May 7 – 11 2025 (Wed – Sun) – Virginia PanFest @ Virginia Beach, VA (Canboulay and Bacchanal only)

May 13 2025 (Tues) 7p – Q4 CONCERT @ LHS AUD.   

May 14 2025 (Wed) evening – Senior Awards @ LHS AUD  (seniors in Canboulay only)

May 16 – 20 Auditions/Placements for Lion Steel 2025-26

Oct 15 2024 (Tue) 7p – Q1 CONCERT @ LHS AUD.  

Students should be in their seats in the auditorium at 6:15p for the first attendance check. Students will be dismissed when the final attendance check is complete after the concert is over.

Dec 5 2024 (Thur) 7p – Q2 CONCERT @ LHS AUD,
Leon Community Steel Bands Perform at 630p when the doors open.
Concert Program
Concert Poster

LION STEEL STUDENTS: Should be in their seats in the auditorium at 6:15p for the first attendance check. Students will be dismissed when the final attendance check is complete after the concert is over.

Dec 12 – 14 2024 (Thur – Sat) evenings – PAWS @ LHS AUD (Canboulay only)

Welcome to Lion Steel 2024-25

Hello Lion Steel Students and Parents,

Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! We have many exciting things planned, including four on-campus end-of-quarter concerts, PAWS in December, the Valentine’s Lime in February, FMEA (in a new, exciting location) in April, the Cascades Park show and another festival in April, and (possibly) the Virginia International PanFest again in May.

The first and most important thing for you to do to get started is to review the list below together and complete ALL of the steps below ASAP.

1. Welcome Letter and Syllabus (<–click to read)
2. Participation Agreement and Medical Form (<–click to complete)
3. Students – Set Up Remind (check that you have downloaded the app and are active through Leon HS)
4. Parents – Set Up Remind (send this text message “@lsp2425” to the number 81010)
5. Pay class fee (<– Leon HS eFunds site or via check/money order – no cash – to Dr. Justus)

NOTES: The link above can also be reached from the school homepage by clicking the “Online Fee Payments” button. When you get to EFunds, you’ll click “Pay for Fees”.  From there, you can either login, create an account, or continue as a guest.  If you choose the last option, you will have to have and select the student’s last name and student ID#.  From there, you will select the student and then a “menu” of fee choices pops up. You can just scroll through and select whichever fees you want to pay.  The Lion Steel Fees are listed as “24-25 LEON HS LION STEEL BND”. If you use ACH payment, it’s a flat fee of $1.25.  If you use a card, it’s a percentage.  Depending on how many fees you pay, this can get pricey. 

6. Parent Volunteers (note: if you’d like to be an overnight chaperone, please contact Dr. Justus for additional volunteer info)
7. Follow Lion Steel on on Instagram (@leonlionsteel) and on YouTube (

You can view our Lion Steel 2024-25 Events on this website, on the Leon Performing Arts Calendar, and on the Leon HS Events Calendar.

We’ve got a LOT planned – let’s start out strong and make it another magical year for the Lion Steel Band Program!


Dr. Kayleen Justus

LION STEEL 2024-25 Rosters


  • Steel 1 (INTRO TO STEEL) is open to anyone who would like to enroll – there are no audition requirements or prerequisites.
  • Steel 2 (JOUVERT) is only open to students who have taken steel 1 at Leon HS or advanced steel at Raa MS – many but not all are included in the list above.
  • Steel 3 (BACCHANAL) and Steel 4 HON (CANBOULAY) are audition/invitation-only ensemble classes. To enroll for either ensemble class, students must be on one or the other roster listed above.

If you have a question or need to speak with Dr. Justus about your placement in Lion Steel for 2024-25, send an email to me at  

Quarter 4 Concert “Las Lap” – Wednesday, May 8th, 2024

Where: Leon High School Auditorium
When: 7pm – Leon Community Steel Bands will open the show at 6:30p
***Students must report to LHS Auditorium no later than 6:15p for first attendance check.
Who: Free and open to the public
What: Calypso, soca, reggae, Latin, and popular music – Virginia PanFest competition music and our favorites from this year.

– All students enrolled in Lion Steel classes are required to arrive no later than 6:15p and to stay for the full duration of the concert until dismissed after the final attendance check for a grade.
– This is a FREE concert, please spread the word and invite everyone to come out to JUMP UP with us!
– Students will wear the CONCERT TEES for their band: Canboulay = white with red stripes Lion Steel logo jersey, Bacchanal = red with white stripes Lion Steel logo jersey, Jouvert = grey with red trim ringer Lion Steel logo tee; Beginning Bands = black Lion Steel logo tee

This is our concert poster! You can see and share it on Instagram (@leonlionsteel) and/or you can download the image file here if you want.


Lion Steel at Cascades Park – April 18th 2024

Performers (and parents/guardians) : Please read this post carefully, since students will be required to participate in all pre- and post-concert loading and unloading activities both on the Leon HS campus AND at Cascades Park. 


Pre-concert Music (by Leon Community Steel): 5:30p


3:30p – students meet at the Lion Steel portable at Leon HS to pack and load instruments

4:30p – students meet the truck behind Adderley Amphitheater at Cascades Park to unload and set up

5:15p – sound check 

5:30p – Leon Community Steel (pre-show music)

6:00p – Lion Steel Performs (Jouvert, then Bacchanal, then Canboulay)

7:15p – concert concludes; students begin packing and loading truck

8:00p – students meet the truck at the Lion Steel portable to unload (dismissal after this)

Please make sure to arrange rides for students between Leon and Cascades (before the show) and from Cascades to Leon (after). 

There will be about a 40-min period of time after the instruments are set up at Cascades and before the concert starts, during which students can eat dinner. Please either bring food with you or arrange for someone to bring you food to eat before the show.

If you have any questions about this schedule or the show, please reach out to Dr. Justus ASAP! We are excited to JUMP UP at the park on Thursday, April 18!

Quarter 3 Concert – Monday, March 4th

Where: Leon High School Auditorium
When: 7pm
***Students must report to LHS Auditorium no later than 6:15p for first attendance check.
Who: Free and open to the public
What: Calypso, soca, reggae, Latin, and popular music

All students enrolled in Lion Steel classes are required to arrive no later than 6:15p and to stay for the full duration of the concert until dismissed after the final attendance check for a grade.
– This is a FREE concert, please spread the word and invite everyone to come out to JUMP UP with us!
– Students will wear the CONCERT TEES for their band: Canboulay = white with red stripes Lion Steel logo jersey, Bacchanal = red with white stripes Lion Steel logo jersey, Jouvert = grey with red trim ringer Lion Steel logo tee; Beginning Bands = black Lion Steel logo tee


This is our concert poster! You can see and share it on Instagram (@leonlionsteel) and/or you can download the image file here if you want:

Quarter 2 Concert – Wednesday, November 29th

Where: Leon High School Auditorium
When: 7pm
***Students must report to LHS Auditorium no later than 6:15p for first attendance check.
Who: Free and open to the public
What: Calypso, soca, reggae, Latin, and Holiday music

All students enrolled in Lion Steel classes are required to arrive no later than 6:15p and to stay for the full duration of the concert until dismissed after the final attendance check for a grade.
– This is a FREE concert, please spread the word and invite everyone to come out to JUMP UP with us!
– Students will wear the CONCERT TEES for their band: Canboulay = white with red stripes Lion Steel logo jersey, Bacchanal = red with white stripes Lion Steel logo jersey, Jouvert = grey with red trim ringer Lion Steel logo tee; Beginning Bands = black Lion Steel logo tee


This is our concert poster! You can see and share it on Instagram (@leonlionsteel) and/or you can download the image file here if you want:


Quarter 1 Concert – Thursday, October 5th

Where: Leon High School Auditorium
When: 7pm
***Students must report to LHS Auditorium no later than 6:15p for first attendance check.
Who: Free and open to the public
What: Calypso, soca, reggae, Latin, and punk styles of music

All students enrolled in Lion Steel classes are required to arrive no later than 6:15p and to stay for the full duration of the concert until dismissed after the final attendance check for a grade.
– This is a FREE concert, please spread the word and invite everyone to come out to JUMP UP with us!
– Students will wear attire that 1) adheres to the school dress code, 2) is comfortable (no high heels or formal wear like ties), 3) makes them look and feel great on stage.


This is our concert poster! You can see and share it on Instagram (@leonlionsteel) and/or you can download the image file here if you want:

Lion Steel Events 2023-24

Thursday, October 5th 2023 = Q1 Concert, LHS AUD 7pm
Wednesday, November 29th 2023 = Q2 Concert, LHS AUD 7pm
Monday, March 4th 2024 = Q3 Concert, LHS AUD 7pm
Wednesday, May 8th 2024 = Q4 Concert, LHS AUD 7pm
–for these dates, students report to AUD at 6:15p, show begins at 7pm

Thursday – Saturday, December 7 – 9th = PAWS, Canboulay only
Wednesday, February 14th = Valentine’s Lime, LHS Cafeteria 6pm (loading into cafeteria between 3p and 6p) – INFO FOR PARENTS AND STUDENTS HERE —> Program <— Poster
Thursday, April 18th = Cascades Park show. 6 – 8pm, loading out from school between 3:30p and 4:15p, loading back into school between 7:45 – 8:30p. –>INFO FOR PERFORMERS<– POSTER HERE
Saturday, May 4th = Raa Steel Lime! With Canboulay, Bacchanal, Jouvert, Raa Advanced Band, and Matanzas Blue Steel! DETAILS HERE
Thursday – Sunday, May 9 – 12th = Virginia International PanFestCanboulay and Bacchanal only
Tuesday, May 14th = Senior Awards – Canboulay only

LION STEEL 2024 – 25 Auditions = May 14 – 17, 2024